About Me

My name is Abby. I am a student at the University of Nebraska-Kearney in the United States. I will be studying abroad for 11 weeks at Palacky University in the Czech Republic. I would like to share my adventures and travel tips with family and friends. Follow me as I adjust to living and studying in a foreign country. I'll share all my experiences, whether good, bad, or ugly. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Only a few days until I leave the States! I'm getting so nervous, I tried to pack today and it was awful. How do you decide what to bring for 11 weeks and fit it in two suitcases?! I'm also not looking forward to this 15+ hour plane ride... I wish I could just magically poof myself there. I keep going back and forth between being nervous and then so excited that I am going to live in another country, I mean who just up and leaves their life for 2 and 1/2 months?? This girl, I guess. Well, my next post will probably be sent from my dorm in Europe! Woot! Shout out to all the people I love and will be missing while overseas. Love you all and check out my Facebook for pictures! Here I come Czech!

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