About Me

My name is Abby. I am a student at the University of Nebraska-Kearney in the United States. I will be studying abroad for 11 weeks at Palacky University in the Czech Republic. I would like to share my adventures and travel tips with family and friends. Follow me as I adjust to living and studying in a foreign country. I'll share all my experiences, whether good, bad, or ugly. Enjoy!

Friday, May 11, 2012

May  9:  Kroměříž blog

Garden of the palace
Protective shoes we had to wear inside the palace

 Kroměříž: A small town near Olomouc that is the site of the Archbishop's Palace. We toured the palace and it's richly decorated rooms. The first residence on the site was built in 1497. The palace has been damaged and rebuilt several times. Today it stands in the Baroque style. After seeing the palace and its gardens, we went to see the Archbishop's wine cellar.

Wine cellar and oak barrel
Archbishop's private stash
 The cellars were built in the 12th century. We saw the oak wine barrels, most of which were around eighty years old. The largest barrels held almost 20,000 liters of wine. It was very cold and damp in the cellar. The walls were lined with a greenish foam-looking material, it was yeast. There were hundreds of coins pressed into the yeast, for good luck. We tasted several of the wines. The bottles they sold averaged around five dollars a bottle. I bought a couple of the white wines.

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